​Mental Health Counseling with licensed professionals to overcome mental and emotional disorders in a safe and confidential environment at two convenient locations in Clark County. There are opportunities to meet with a therapist individually, as a couple, or family.
​Substance Use Disorder Counseling consists of credentialed counselors who treat people with substance use disorders (SUDs) offering consistent, high-quality care for optimal recovery in an individual and group setting.
Clark County Recovery Court is an abstinence-based program that provides individuals the opportunity to change life circumstances and become alcohol and drug free. This is accomplished by comprehensive assessment and treatment, intensive supervision, random drug and breath testing, regular court appearances and immediate sanctions and incentives.
​Intoxicated Driver Program in Wisconsin was created in 1982, to reduce the number of impaired driving related crashes and related injuries, deaths and property damage. There are two parts to the program, an assessment and a driver safety plan. We are the approved assessment facility for citizens residing in Clark County.
​24 hour Crisis Services trained staff are available 24 hours every day of the year to support and link you to the services you may need. During business hours, Clark County Community Services Staff will answer all calls, while after hours services are provided by our partner, Northwest Connections. Every call is treated with the same respect and courtesy.
Psychological Testing and Consultations On-site psychologist who will meet with you and conduct the psychological testing and assessment as well as the follow-up and development of a treatment plan.
Psychiatry Services High-quality doctors and nurses by use of in-person visits as well as TeleHealth equipment. Through TeleHealth, you are able to see your doctor in our offices, even if they may be in another location. This system is secure and monitored by our staff.
Community Support Program (CSP) provides supports for adults with chronic, severe and persistent mental illness and are at the greatest risk for admission to mental health hospitals. Consumers are supported through a team made up of a psychiatrist, a psychologist, a nurse, mental health therapists, an SUD therapist, and case managers to implement and oversee treatment provisions.
Comprehensive Community Services (CCS) can help people who need ongoing, comprehensive services to help them live, work and participate in their community and ultimately reach a level of recovery in their illness. CCS Services will be provided in the community, will be flexible and will help the person achieve their vision of recovery.
Clark County Community Services
517 Court Street
Room 503
Neillsville, WI 54456
(715) 743-5208
Clark County Rehab & Living Center
W4266 County Hwy X
Owen, WI 54460
(715) 743-5208
Monday to Friday
8:00am to 4:30pm
Birth-to-Three Program is Wisconsin’s early intervention program for infants and toddlers with developmental delays or disabilities and their families. We work to enhance the child’s development and support the family’s knowledge, skills and abilities as they interact with and raise their child.
Children’s Community Options Program (CCOP) provides flexible, but limited, assistance to individuals with special needs who are living at home, from birth to age 21.
Children’s Long-term Support Waiver Program (CLTSW) is a home and community based service that serves children under 22 who have been diagnosed with developmental disabilities, physical disabilities, or severe emotional disturbances. Its purpose is to help families support their children with severe disabilities within their own home.