The clerk is the official record keeper for many basic county functions and is responsible for providing public notice of many county activities and meetings. The clerk also plans and coordinates the monthly board agendas and serves as a secretary to the county board and other various county committees.
One of the clerk's primary responsibilities is administering elections, which includes:
Keeping the municipal clerks informed of election law changes through training
Preparation and distribution of ballots
Providing the municipal clerk's with election supplies
Publishing legal notices
The county clerk advises and informs candidates for county office as to the procedure necessary to get his/her name on the ballot, receives and files nomination papers for county office, checks and decides sufficiency of nomination papers, declaration of acceptance if elected, financial statements, and is the filing officer for county primary, general, judicial, and special elections.
Licenses & Permits Issued In Wisconsin, marriage licenses are issued by the county clerks. The clerk must verify that the parties may marry and that the age and residency requirements are met before issuing a license.
Wood cutting permits are also issued through the Clerk's Office.
The Clerk's Office orders and distributes the dog tag supplies to all the municipal treasurers who collect these fees and issue the licenses in their municipalities. A small portion of the fees collected remains in the municipalities but the majority of the fees collected are turned over to the county. This money is used to pay out dog damage claims filed with the county.
The county clerk reports to the executive, legislative, and judicial committee.
Mission Statement
It is the mission of the Clerk's Office to provide quality service to the citizens, county board, municipalities, and departments as provided in Chapter 59 of the Wisconsin State Statues.
Christina Jensen
County Clerk
Clark County Courthouse |  517 Court Street Room 301 | Neillsville, WI 54456 |  Ph: (715) 743-5148 Fx: (715 743-5154