Child Care Certification

Clark County Social Services is now contracting with Childcaring for all child care certification.
Childcaring is a local non-profit resource and referral agency that is dedicated to providing quality child care information in Adams, Clark, Langlade, Lincoln, Marathon, Marquette, Portage, Taylor, Waushara and Wood Counties.
Child caring helps families meet their needs, serves as a resource to potential an existing regulated child care providers, and works cooperatively to increase the supply of quality, affordable care. Childcaring promotes the development of a comprehensive child care system and provides public information on child care needs and trends.
If you or someone you know is searching for child care or would like to start their own child care business, please contact Childcaring today!
Childcaring can be contacted by phone: (715)841-9490 or at 1-800-628-8534.
Or visit their website:
Clark County Department
of Social ServicesÂ
517 Court St.Â
Room 502Â
Neillsville, WI 54456Â
Monday - Friday
8 AM - 4:30 PM
Ph: (715) 743-5233
Fx: (715) 743-5242
Toll Free: (866) 743-5233
Emergency After Hours
Sheriff's Office:
(715) 743-3157
After Hours No Heat Hotline:
(715) 743-3157
-->New applicants meeting preservice training requirements may be granted Regular Certification. New applicants not yet meeting preservice training requirements may be granted Provisional Certification, but must complete required training within three (3) months of certification.
-->A home visit must be completed before an applicant can become certified. At the home visit, the applicant will need the following:
Proof of Sudden Infant Death and Shaken Baby Syndrome training
A copy of the provider's TB test results
A well water test report--if the applicant does not have city water
Verification of rabies vaccination of all pets in the home
A working smoke detector on each floor of the home used for childcare
A working carbon monoxide detector
-->A certified day care provider can have up to six children in his/her care at one time but only three can be under the age of 7.
-->Benefits of Child Care Certification:
Provider is able to care for children whose parents receive Child Care Assistance
Provider may participate in the Child and Adult Care Food Program
Provider may get parent referrals from Child Care Resource and Referral Agency
-->For more information, including links to all applicable state laws, please see the Department of Children and Families Child Care Certification website.