What We Do
Clark County Emergency Management performs the following functions within the county:
Develop and distribute emergency management presentations, brochures, pamphlets, public service
Develop and update emergency plans for all hazards impacting our community
Develop, coordinate, and conduct emergency management training / exercise programs, announcements, and other relevant information for civic organizations, businesses, and the public
Maintain the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) for Clark County
Provide assistance for emergency response to emergencies and disasters
Provide liaison with local, state, and federal authorities during emergencies and disasters
Four Phases of Emergency Management
The department’s logo describes the four phases of Emergency Management and its ongoing process.
Preparedness is conducted before a disaster occurs in order to build emergency management capacity. It has three elements: the development of emergency response plans; training on our plans and possible hazards, practicing at putting the plans into effect (exercises); and public education. Preparedness planning seeks to anticipate problems and project possible solutions to minimize disaster damage.
Response activities provide emergency assistance to save lives, preserve property, and protect the environment. A goal of all emergency responders is to reduce the probability of additional injuries or damage, and to start the recovery process as soon as possible.
Recovery is the process of returning systems to normal levels, such as replacing a bridge that was washed away by flooding, or long term cleanup after a storm. Some activities can be accomplished in the short term, such as adding gravel to washed out roads; while other activities take years, such as rebuilding a community.
Mitigation activities normally occur before an emergency or disaster, or directly on the heels of a disaster. Such activities include installing sirens, adopting flood plain and/or zoning regulations, and creating building codes that include plans for storm shelters. The primary purpose for mitigation is to eliminate or reduce the probability of a disaster, such as a chemical spill or flood. It will include action to postpone, dissipate, or lessen the effects of the disaster.
Responding to Emergencies in Clark CountyÂ
Clark County Emergency Management coordinates effective response and recovery efforts relating to natural and technological disasters and supporting the local communities and their citizens within Clark County. Through planning, training, and exercising, we prepare our citizens and our response personnel to help minimize the loss of lives and property.
QUICK FACTS: Answers to Common Questions
Answers to Frequently Asked Questions about Disaster Assistance.
Overview of the Wisconsin disaster assistance options and process.
517 Court Street, Room 306Â |Â Neillsville, WI 54456Â |Â Ph: (715) 743-5100Â Â Fx: (715 743-4350Â Â Cell: (715) 429-0669