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Planning & Zoning


The Planning and Zoning Division protects the natural resources in unincorporated areas of the county through the administration and enforcement of land management ordinances. Staff responsibilities include review and issuance of permits, construction and compliance inspection, complaint investigation, and maintaining records of all these activities. Other duties include administering the Wisconsin Fund Grant Program.




The Clark County Survey Division monuments and maintains section corners, reviews plats and certified survey maps, surveys county-owned lands, and maintains accurate records.


Land Information


The Land Information office develops, maintains, and updates land information about Clark County using a geographic information system. This office also establishes emergency response / rural address numbers.

*Permits are now printable!


*New* Please note: Records are alphabetical by township. Only Beaver through Levis are currently searchable. 3/25/25

Quick Links 

517 Court St, Room 204   Neillsville, WI  54456      (715) 743-5130

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