GIS / Land Information
Land Information Office
The primary objective of the Clark County Land Information Office is to facilitate land records modernization, as defined in the Clark County Land Records Modernization Plan 2019-2021. (The Modernization Plan may be accessed through Wisconsin Department of Administration Land Information Plans.
Another objective defined in the plan is to develop, maintain and update land information about Clark County using geographic information system software. Land information is defined in §59.72 Wisconsin Statutes and includes information about soils, land ownership, taxes, topography and parcels to name a few. A significant responsibility of the department is to make this information available and usable to other departments and the public. As such, the Land Information Office coordinates with the Register of Deeds, Surveyor and the Treasurer’s Office to continually update land information. This information is made available to the public via the internet through the county website. The Land Information Office also produces hardcopy mapbooks and maps, including the county platbook, emergency service atlas, and city and village parcel atlases. Other maps are available upon request.
GIS data is available for the entire county. The cost is $50.00, which includes a flashdrive and the shipping.
Maps are available as requested. The cost to print these maps is:
LETTER, LEGAL, TABLOID .............$5.00
17 X 22 ......................................... $8.00
24 X 36 ......................................... $12.00
36 X 48 ......................................... $20.00
44 X 60 ......................................... $30.00
*Special projects, data analysis, etc. are done at a rate of $50.00/hr.
The Clark County plat book is produced by the Land Information Office to help the local 4-H groups with fundraising. The book was last updated in 2020. To purchase a plat book, contact the UW-Extension office at 715-743-5121.
The City and Village Parcel Atlases are similar to plat books but are only created for the cities and villages. Typically these books are used by professionals, such as assessors.