Derek Weyer
Zoning Administrator / Land Information Officer
The Clark County Planning and Zoning section of the department administers three core elements consisting of Land Use, Land Information and County Surveyor. The Planning, Zoning and Land Information Administrator oversees Chapter 20 and 22 of the Clark County Code of Ordinances.
(715) 743-5130 or zoning.administrator@co.clark.wi.us
Malory Harder
Assistant Zoning Administrator
The Assistant Zoning Administrator provides technical assistance and oversight to the Chapter 20 Private Onsite Wastewater Treatment System (POWTS) Ordinance. The specialist reviews and approves all sanitary permits and soil tests in the county for compliance. The specialist is responsible for the field inspections of POWTS and provide on-site technical assistance and review of soil tests.
(715) 743-5130
Wade Pettit
County Surveyor
The Clark County Surveyor is responsible for the maintenance and remonumentation of the PLSS (Public Land Survey System) corner monuments within the county. Responsibilities also include maintaining accurate and orderly survey records, conducting boundary and parcel surveys of county-owned land, reviewing Certified Survey Maps and provides guidance for accurate parcel mapping data.
(715) 743-5130 or clark.surveyor@co.clark.wi.us
Carrie Morrell
GIS / Land Information Coordinator
The Clark County Land Information Coordinator maintains and upgrades the county land information and GIS (geographic information system). The coordinator does data analysis and provides customized data and maps for other departments, county board, local municipalities, and the public. The GIS Coordinator provides technical assistance to other county departments and is responsible for keeping the GIS website up to date and is the database manager for Land Information.
(715) 743-5130 or land.information@co.clark.wi.us
Cody Steines
Land Information Technician
The Land Information Technician assists the County Surveyor with both maintenance and remonumentation of the PLSS corner monuments within the county.
(715) 743-5130
Melissa Illbeck
Administrative Assistant
The Administrative Assistant is a point of contact to questions received by the Planning, Zoning, and Land Information Department. The assistant provides explanations, overview, and department contacts while tracking fees, permits, and schedules associated within the three departments.
(715) 743-5130