Clark County Recovery Court is collaboratively designed and implemented by Clark County and JusticePoint
JusticePoint is an organization dedicated to the promotion of evidence-informed criminal justice programs, practices, and policies. The commitment to evidence-informed practices is firmly rooted in the belief that criminal justice outcomes can be improved through the use of collaboration, engagement, and the scientific method. Click for more....
The mission of the Clark County Recovery Court is to reduce recidivism and the social and economic costs of criminal activity through a judicially supervised, collaborative treatment and recovery program that is focused on participant accountability, empowering participants to achieve lifelong recovery from substance use disorder, and improving the lives of participants, their families, and the community.


The Clark County Recovery Court has the following goals:
Reduce recidivism rates for nonviolent offenders in the program and increase public safety.
Reduce prison and jail populations by diverting nonviolent offenders to community-based interventions.
Clark County Recovery Court provides individuals the opportunity to change life circumstances and become alcohol and drug free. This is accomplished by comprehensive assessment and treatment (chemical and mental health), intensive supervision, random drug and breath testing, regular court appearances and immediate sanctions and incentives. Other components of the abstinence-based program include: assessment for participation in other programming such as cognitive learning groups and/or mental health interventions, required participation in community support groups, obtainment of employment or pursuit of education, participation in pro-social activities. Honesty and individual accountability are at the foundation of the program.
Clark County Recovery Court Court fully integrates evidence-based practices in its delivery of services and works in collaboration with community providers for chemical health and ancillary services. Cognitive behavioral programming and enhanced mental health services are inherent pieces of the program. The program is a minimum of 14 months and is divided into five major phases. Movement through phases is based on accomplishment of goals and requirements.
By providing coordinated substance abuse interventions with judicial oversight, the likelihood of re-arrest for any offense decreases, resulting in safer communities and reduction in crime.
Recovery Court Coordinator | Phone: 715-743-6704 | Fax: 715-743-5271 | Email: rcreferral@co.clark.wi.us